RE: 7 Things Parents Do to Make Their Kids Hate Sports

I read this article and immediately thought of a conversation my fiancé and I had about what type of dad I would be if when we have kids, especially a boy who wants to play sports. I insisted that I would be the type allow him to enjoy the game and when he comes to me and tells me that he wants to be good, I would do all I can to help him become that. She wasn’t convinced.

I’d never want my child to be a burn out. If they want to go pedal to the metal themselves then decide their tired then so be it. I just don’t want to be the cause nor cause a rift between us because of something that was enjoyable to both of us and they deserve the. Self motivation is important to me and I truly believe it would be more rewarding for us and the child if they want it for themselves. I didn’t have these issues growing up but I’ve witnessed it enough to say it is dead on. But, don’t let me influence you, tell me what you think.

7 Things Parents Do to Make Their Kids Hate Sports

Sports for kids—whether its baseball, soccer, or lacrosse—can be great at teaching them teamwork and discipline.  But that benefit can quickly be lost when a mom or dad puts too much pressure on their child. Avoid these 7 things parents do to make their kids hate sports.

1. They forget their children are kids.
It’s easy to get caught up in the pressure of turning our kids into super athletes.  But when that happens, we start to expect our children to train like adults.  Well, they’re not adults.  Yes, they should be focused on doing their best, but their bodies are not able to bear the strain of grown-up size repetition.  Plus, the joy of sports is having fun.  If you expect your 8-year-old to have the focus and work ethic of a high-schooler, you’re expecting too much.

2. They embarrass their kids.
I just read an article about a father who would yell out to his son, “You’re playing like a girl!” at his son’s games.  In front of everyone. Parents also embarrass their kids when they coach from the stands, yell at umpires and refs, and confront the coach in an inappropriate way.

3. They compare their kids.
You might not even realize you’re doing this one. If you say, “That Abby has amazing ball control,” your child is hearing, “My mom thinks I’m not as good as Abby.”  More blatant examples of hurtful comparisons include, “Why can’t you move around the bases like Jack?”  “If only you practiced as much as Sophia, you’d be good too.”

4. They don’t show up.
Sports are a big commitment, so if you sign your children up to play, make sure you’re all in. That means making every game you can.  It may seem like you’re spending all of your free time at the field, but you’re also building memories and showing your children that you believe in them.

5. They overschedule their kids.
It’s common these days for kids to join travel teams as early as 8 years old.  You’ll hear the parents say, “He loves soccer so much. It was his idea.”  It might have been your child’s idea, but you are the one who can wisely weigh the cost to your child.  Is it really wise to let your children stay up late several nights a week at practices and games?  Is it best for him and your family to spend all weekend traveling to tournaments?  Many travel team kids are burned out by the time they’re in middle school.  Just something to think about.

6. They live through their kids.
Some parents were not good athletes growing up, so the fact that their children are very athletic amuses them.  But sadly, there are parents who were super athletic growing up who expect their children to be just like them.  When they’re not, the parents push, berate, and voice their disappointment.  Find a way to let your kids shine.  If it’s the sport you or your spouse love, great.  If it’s not, accept your child and his preferences as is.

7. They don’t look out for their kids.
If your child is being treated badly by a coach, you need to step in.  There is a right way to talk to your child’s coach, so be sure to take that approach.  But by all means, don’t let anyone belittle your child to the point that their confidence is shaken and their spirit is broken.

About green8lego

My journey is unique because it is my own. Other's have lived my experiences, I simply made different choices. I used to run, now I run to. Relish in struggle, ignore negativity, seize opportunity, inspire everyone. "It is possible that men may live eternally on this world, if they seek it not in years but through their deeds and impact on the world"
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2 Responses to RE: 7 Things Parents Do to Make Their Kids Hate Sports

  1. Catrin says:

    You need to tech your kid some self motivation techniques. You can’t be always with him, so you need to teach him “never give up” thingking!

    • green8lego says:

      I agree. Those were the lessons my mom instilled in me and work well. However, many parents do push there children more than needed. Self motivation is best learned when kids are getting to do things that they enjoy doing

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